Regardless of political beliefs, scientific findings show that the Earth reached record high temperatures in 2016, exceeding previous records set in 2015 and 2014.[1] Three consecutive years of setting record temperatures is something that should at least cause individuals to question why this is happening. Scientists have attributed the increasing temperatures to both the El Niño as well as increasing levels of carbon monoxide and other greenhouse gases.[2] Even though El Niño has officially ended and scientists do not expect 2017 to be warmer than 2016, many species of plants and animals are in danger at the current temperatures.[3] However, this is not the first time in history that we have seen record setting temperatures three years in a row. In fact, in 1939, 1940, and 1941 the Earth temperatures reached what were record high temperatures at the time.[4] However, due to trending increasing temperatures on Earth, the record reached in 1941 is now only the 37th warmest year here on Earth.[5] So, while 2017 may not be warmer than 2016, the overall trend is indisputable science and it is imperative for everyone to take note of this change.
[1] Justin Gillis, Earth Sets a Temperature Record for the Third Straight Year, N.Y. Times (Jan. 18, 2017),
[2] Id.
[3] Id.
[4] Id.
[5] Id.