(Revised September 15, 2023)
- Definitions
- Membership Determinations
- Meetings
- Sanctions
- Election Procedures for Director Positions
- Duties of Journal Members
- Credit
- Amendments
§ 101 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS – Shall consist of the Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Executive Managing Editor (if necessary), Business Editor, Notes and Comments Editors, Lead Articles Editors, Form and Accuracy Editors, Technology Editor, and Executive Editors.
§102 SENIOR ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Third year members not elected to the Executive Board and have met the requirements of §202(a).
§103 ASSOCIATE EDITORS – Shall consist of those members who have met the requirements of §203.
§104 GENERAL MEETINGS – Those meetings that all members are expected to attend.
§105 STANDING COMMITTEE – A committee formed by the Editor-in-Chief, and chaired by the Editor-in-Chief’s designee, which serves as a committee for the entire academic year.
§106 SPECIAL COMMITTEE – A committee formed by the Editor-in-Chief, and by the Editor-in-Chief’s designee, to examine certain policy matters and is dissolved after final recommendations are made to the Editor-in-Chief.
§201 The Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law shall consist of the Executive Board, Senior Associate Editors, and Associate Editors.
§202 (a) An Associate Editor will be elevated to a Senior Associate Editor only if the following is fulfilled:
- Completion of satisfactory editorial work as per §608;
- Completion of all assigned office hours as per §608;
- Completion of a Note or Book Reviews, as described in §608(a)(iii) and (iv), of publishable quality;
- Participating and complying as a member of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law under each and every article of these Bylaws;
- Being a member in good standing of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law.
- Good Standing is defined as:
- Owing no more than 4 office hours (if applicable);
- Meeting all deadlines set by the Notes and Comments Editors; and
- Performing all other duties as required by the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law.
- The Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the Executive Board, will determine which Associate Editors will be elevated to a Senior Associate Editor according to the elevation criteria of §202(a). Those members who have not been elevated will not receive any academic credit and their names shall be immediately removed from the membership list.
- Good Standing is defined as:
§203 An Associate Editor is a 2L member who has been invited to and has accepted membership with the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law and has agreed to take on the responsibilities of membership.
§204 Once elected, the Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the new Executive Board, shall do all of the following:
- Determine the approximate number of Associate Editor positions available;
- Plan an anonymous spring writing competition to be implemented by the Notes and Comments Editors;
- Set forth the procedures and criteria for selecting new Associate Editor members.
- Coordinate the administration of the BlueBook Exam, dates for invitations, and all other relevant recruitment activities with the Editor-in-Chiefs of the other publications sanctioned by the Syracuse University, College of Law, including but not limited to Syracuse law Review, the Journal of International Law and Commerce, and the Journal of Global Rights and Organizations.
§205 Full-time JDresidential students at the College of Law shall be eligible to participate in the BlueBook Exam in the summer after the completion of their first year.
§206 JDinteractive students at the College of Law shall be eligible to participate in the BlueBook Exam during the summer of their first year while taking LCR II.
§207 Upon completion of twenty-four hours of academic credit (based on the records maintained in the College of Law Registrar’s office) part time students shall be eligible to participate in the BlueBook Exam.
§208 The Editor-in-Chief shall seek to inform students who have transferred into the College of Law of membership opportunities in the Journal of Science and Technology Law. The Editor-in-Chief shall determine their eligibility for participation in a supplemental writing competition.
§209 All members of the student body who wish to participate in the BlueBook Exam must participate in the first BlueBook Exam scheduled after they become eligible for possible membership.
§210 Membership decisions under this Article are made at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief in consultation with the Executive Board.
§211 Any four-year joint degree student selected for membership pursuant to this Article must file a written petition with the Editor-in-Chief by the first day of classes after notification of membership for deferral of their participation as an Associate Editor member for one academic year.
§301 General Meetings
- General meetings must take place at least twice per semester during the fall and spring semesters.
- General meetings may take place in-person in Syracuse but must have a virtual option offered for all members to participate.
- Notice of all general meetings must be sent to all Journal of Science and Technology Law members at least one week before a meeting is to occur. The Managing Editor is to maintain an email listserv for all Journal of Science and Technology Law members for general announcements.
- Notice shall comprise of a statement of the time, date, and location of the meeting.
- The Editor-in-Chief shall preside over all general meetings and determine the agenda for each general meeting.
- If the Editor-in-Chief is either unable to attend a meeting or temporarily gives up the chair, the Managing Editor shall assume all responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief.
- The presence of fifty percent (50%) + 1 of all journal members is required at a general meeting to constitute a quorum.
- The quorum requirements may not be waived. No official action may be taken in any general meeting without quorum.
- Attendance by members of Journal of Science and Technology Law at general meetings is mandatory.
- The Editor-in-Chief or the Managing Editor may excuse a journal member from attendance at a general meeting if the member provides a reasonable excuse, in writing, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting.
- Members absent from a general meeting without excuses are subject to sanctions in accordance with Article IV.
- Attendance of Associate Editors is mandatory at all meetings.
- Should a debatable issue arise, the Editor-in-Chief may implement Roberts Rules of Order, which include the following:
- No member may hold the floor more than five minutes at a time;
- A simple majority vote of all members present is required to approve a motion;
- The Editor-in-Chief shall vote ONLY to break any tie that exists;
- Each member of the Journal of Science and Technology Law will have a single vote to cast on each motion considered in a meeting;
- Votes are taken by hands unless otherwise stated in these Bylaws or, if not so stated, a simple majority of those present at the meeting may approve an alternate procedure;
- The following motions shall require a two-thirds vote of those present and voting:
- Motion to amend a motion currently on the floor;
- Motion to adjourn; and
- Motion to amend the Bylaws.
- The Editor-in-Chief shall be the final arbiter of Bylaws for resolution of procedural questions; and
- The Managing Editor shall maintain a record of these minutes of the meetings.
§302 Special Meetings may be called by Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor throughout the academic year. Attendance at these meetings shall comport with §301 above.
§303 Meetings of the Executive Board
The Executive Board shall meet as necessary. All other aspects of the Executive Board meetings are at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.
§304 Committee Meetings
Except as otherwise stated in the Bylaws, all aspects of the committee meetings are at the discretion of the committee chairperson in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief.
§401 Sanctions Committee
- The committee will be a Standing Committee
- The committee will consist of the following:
- Executive Board
- Two Associate Editors
- The Associate Editors as designated in §401(2)(b) shall consist of the Associate Editor Liaison and one other Associate Editor elected after both JDresidential and JDinteractive orientations.
- If a member of the Sanctions Committee is the subject of a complaint, that member, for the purpose of that complaint only, shall be removed from the committee.
- If a member of the Sanctions Committee has a conflict of interest concerning the subject of a complaint, that member may recuse himself or herself for the purposes of that complaint only.
- All files and proceedings of the Sanctions Committee shall be confidential. Any breach of this subsection shall constitute a gross dereliction of duty pursuant to §407(b)(ii).
§402 Sanctionable Conduct
- The Editor-in-Chief may give a strike to any associate member for the commission of a §402(2) violation. If a member receives three strikes, then said member will be subject to the Disciplinary procedure under §403.
- A member of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law may be subject to sanctions if the member has:
- Failed to strictly comply with these Bylaws;
- Failed to attend mandatory meetings without excuse per §301(8)(a);
- Failed to meet any deadlines set by any member of the Executive Board, including deadlines on all editorial work, and all Note or Book Review deadlines;
- Failed to complete Note or Book Review work to the satisfaction of the Notes and Comments Editors;
- Failed to complete form and accuracy work to the satisfaction of the Form and Accuracy Editors;
- Failed to complete office hours to the satisfaction of the Managing Editor; or
- Been found by the Syracuse University Judicial System or any other appropriate adjudicative body, while a student of the College of Law (whether or not currently registered), to have violated any Code of Student Conduct applicable to such member in force at the time of the alleged violation.
- Plagiarism is defined by Section F – Part 2(b) of the College of Law Code of Student Conduct. If sanctions are levied against a JOST member who has been found to have plagiarized according to the definition, then the Sanctions Committee may refer the matter to the College of Law Honor Code procedure.
- The above list of sanctionable conduct is not exhaustive.
§403 Disciplinary Procedure
- Written complaints referencing sanctionable conduct shall be submitted by a member of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law to the Managing Editor. All complaints must be legibly signed by the accuser. The Managing Editor shall convene a Sanctions Committee meeting within a reasonable time so as to consider the complaint. The Chair of the Sanctions Committee is to then distribute a copy of the complaint to each member of the Sanctions Committee.
- The accused shall be given notice of the complaint at least three (3) business days prior to the initial meeting of the Sanctions Committee regarding the complaint. The notice shall consist of the identity of the accuser and the reasons for the complaint. The accused may submit a written response to the Chairperson up to one (1) day before the initial meeting.
- Any official action taken by the Sanctions Committee (except election of a chairperson and a vote for expulsion) shall require a two-thirds vote of the full committee and shall be accompanied by a written justification for such action signed by the chairperson of the committee.
- A vote for expulsion must be by unanimous vote of the Sanctions Committee and must also be accompanied by a written justification for such action signed by the chairperson of the Committee.
- Each written justification and complaint shall be kept in a Sanctions Committee file in the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law office.
§404 Sanctions Available for Associate Editors and Senior Associate Editors:
- Oral warning
- Written warning
- Additional service to the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law
- Suspension from the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law
- Loss of either one or two credit hours of academic credit
- Demotion of position
- Removal from consideration for Note publication
- Expulsion and removal from Masthead
§405 The following sanctions are not appealable:
- Oral warning
- Written Warning
- Additional service to the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law
§406 If not appealed or not reversed on appeal, sanctions are not reversible.
§407 Exception from Sanctions for Executive Board
- An Executive Board member is not subject to sanctions by the Sanctions Committee. The committee may, however, impeach such a member.
- Impeachment may only occur if the senior board member has:
- Been found by the Syracuse University Judicial System or any other appropriate adjudicative body, while a student at the College of Law (whether or not currently registered), to have violated any Code of Student Conduct applicable to such member in force at the time of the alleged violation; or
- Committed a gross dereliction of duty.
- Written complaints referencing impeachable conduct shall be submitted by a member of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law to the Managing Editor. All complaints must be legibly signed by the accuser. The Managing Editor shall notify the chairperson of the Sanctions Committee who shall convene a Sanctions Committee meeting within a reasonable time so as to consider the complaint.
- The accused shall be given notice of the complaint at least three (3) business days prior to the initial meeting of the Sanctions Committee regarding the complaint. The notice shall consist of the identity of the accuser and the reasons for the complaint. At the initial meeting of the Sanctions Committee, the accused shall be given an opportunity to be heard as to why impeachment is not in order.
- Following the hearing, the Sanctions Committee shall vote on whether the impeachment is warranted. Impeachment requires a two-thirds vote of the Sanctions Committee.
- Should the Sanctions Committee vote to impeach an Executive Board member, the chairperson shall notify the impeached member immediately. This decision is appealable pursuant to §408 of this article.
- An Executive Board member removed from office will be demoted to a Senior Associate Editor. No other sanctions will be imposed on such member unless the Sanctions Committee elects to reconsider the actions of the member. Should that election take place, the Sanctions Committee may avail itself of the sanctions pursuant to §404 of this Article.
- Upon removal of the Executive Board member, a special election shall be called for the purpose of filling the vacant office. This procedure shall also be followed if an Executive Board member resigns from office.
- At the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief, the Executive Board may appoint someone to fill the vacant office. The appointment shall be approved by all of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law members at that next general meeting by a majority vote.
§408 Appeal Procedures
- A member of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law who is subject to an appealable sanction may appeal that decision in writing to the Chairperson of the Sanctions Committee within three (3) business days of the Sanctions Committee’s determination.
- Such appeal shall contain the grounds for the appeal and a request for a special meeting of the full Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law membership within five (5) business days of the date of the filing of the written appeal. An appeal less than five (5) business days from the end of the semester shall be deemed to have been filed on the first class day of the next semester.
- An appeal shall be forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief who shall preside over the special meeting. In the event the Editor-in-Chief is the subject of impeachment proceedings the appeal shall be forwarded to the Managing Editor, who shall preside over the special meeting.
- At the special meeting, the member who is subject to the sanction may present reasons why discipline should not be imposed. The Chairperson of the Sanctions Committee shall present the case against the accused.
- Any sanction imposed by the Sanctions Committee may be lessened or reversed by a majority vote of the membership attending the special meeting. This vote shall be by secret ballot and is final. Upon reversal, any reference to the claimed violation shall be removed from the Sanctions Committee file.
§501 Nomination to the Executive Board
- Any member of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law may nominate any Associate Member for any Executive Board position. Any Associate Editor member not in good standing by the day of the election is ineligible.
- Any member nominated for Technology Editor should have working knowledge of the Internet and website development.
- If the nominated member is participating in an externship program outside of Syracuse, has an emergency or other reasonable conflict, and cannot be present on the date of the elections, they may participate in elections in a manner to be determined by the Managing Editor.
- The opening of nominations shall be determined by the Managing Editor and shall be posted.
- Upon being nominated and prior to the close of the nomination process, a candidate shall submit a written statement accepting the nomination.
- Each election shall be mutually exclusive, having no bearing upon subsequent elections.
- Nominees may run for more than one position but may be elected to only one position.
- Nominations shall close when the meeting is called to order. In the event that no one is running for an Executive Board position, or in case of Lead Articles or Executive Editor when less persons are running than open positions available, nominations may be accepted by the Managing Editor, at his/her discretion during the election process.
- The Election Process in General
- The election shall be held virtually to allow the participation of all members in both the JDresidential and JDinteractive cohorts to participate.
- The Managing Editor shall be in charge of the voting process and shall solicit such help necessary.
- As each position is presented to the electorate for voting, the candidates for that position shall leave the room and ballots shall be distributed to those members who are eligible to vote for that position. Only those members deemed in good standing by the Editor-in-Chief shall be allowed to vote during the election. There will be neither proxy nor absentee voting.
- Voting shall proceed by secret ballot, and the Managing Editor or such designee shall collect and count ballots.
- Voting for Editor-in-Chief
- After all ballots are counted, if no candidate receives a simple majority of the votes, the two candidates with the highest votes shall have a run-off vote.
- One candidate must carry a simple majority of the votes in order to be elected.
- Voting for All Other Positions except Associate Editor Liaison
- All candidates for a particular position shall be made known to the electorate.
- Considering the number of positions available, the positions shall be filed by those candidates with the most votes. If only one position is available, the winning candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast.
- In the event of a tie between two or more candidates for the last available position, a second ballot shall be cast for the tied candidates only. The candidate with the most votes shall be elected to that position.
- Associate Editor Liaison Election
- Immediately following both the JDresidential and JDinteractive orientations, whichever comes later, a member of the Associate Editors must be elected by his or her peers to serve on the Executive Board.
- The Election Hierarchy
- Interviews and Elections for the Executive Board shall proceed in the following order:
- Editor-in-Chief
- Managing Editor
- Executive Managing Editor (if necessary)
- Business Editor
- Form and Accuracy Editors (2)
- Lead Articles Editor
- Notes and Comments Editors (2-3)
- Technology Editor
- Executive Editors (6-10)
- Editor-in-Chief
- Special elections may be called by the Managing Editor at his/her discretion when necessary.
§601 Editor-in-Chief
- The Editor-in-Chief is the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law’s chief executive. It is the Editor-in-Chief’s duty to provide all the necessary leadership and coordination of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law.
- The Editor-in-Chief shall ensure professional operation of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law and timely publication with a high level of quality.
- The Editor-in-Chief shall make all executive decisions regarding the management of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law.
- The duties of the Editor-in-Chief include, but are not limited to:
- Chair all meetings of the General Membership and the Executive Board;
- Make all final editorial decisions regarding the published articles;
- Represent the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law in all matters within and without the College of Law; and
- Perform all duties in the Editor-in-Chief enumerated elsewhere in these Bylaws.
- Hold at least two (2) hours of office hours per week, office hours by appointment may fulfill this section.
§602 Managing Editor
- The Managing Editor, in conjunction with the Editor-in-Chief, shall ensure the professional operation and timely publication of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law at a level of quality becoming a prestigious law periodical.
- The duties of the Managing Editor include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Review the budget prepared by the Business Editor
- Oversee the daily operations of the office;
- Supervise the attendance of journal members at office hours and general meetings; and
- Assist in other Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law matters as determined by these Bylaws or by the Editor-in-Chief.
- Review the budget prepared by the Business Editor
- Hold at least two (2) hours of office hours per week, office hours by appointment may fulfill this section.
§603 Executive Managing Editor (if necessary)
- In the occurrence that both the elected Editor-In-Chief and Managing Editor are elected from the JDinteractive cohort and are not local to the Syracuse area, an additional position will be added to the executive board, the Executive Managing Editor.
- The duties of the Executive Managing Editor include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Oversee the daily operations of the office;
- Coordinate on campus scheduling of events and meetings, including booking a location for in-person meetings;
- Assist in other Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law matters as determined by these Bylaws or by the Editor-in-Chief; and
- Hold at least two (2) hours of office hours per week, office hours by appointment may fulfill this section.
§604 Business Editor
- The duties of the Business Editor include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Prepare the budget;
- Correspond with Student Affairs and SBA, as necessary, to coordinate the purchase of any materials for the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law;
- Oversee banquet preparations;
- Assist in other Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law matters as determined by these Bylaws or by the Editor-in-Chief; and
- Hold at least two (2) hours of office hours per week, office hours by appointment may fulfill this section.
§605 Form and Accuracy Editors
- The duties of the Form and Accuracy Editors include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Assume primary responsibility for the form and accuracy of the final work product of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law;
- Work to insure proper blue book form of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law;
- Instruct the members of the Associate Editors and Executive Editors as to proper form and accuracy of the final work product of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law; and
- Hold at least two (2) hours of office hours per week, office hours by appointment may fulfill this section.
§606 Lead Articles Editor
- The duties of the Lead Articles Editor include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Work with authors who submit articles for publication in the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law;
- Work with Editor-in-Chief to establish the criteria for articles, technology commercialization papers, and book review selections including but not limited to reputation and publication history of the author, timeliness, originality and potential significance of the work, whether or not the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law has published similar material in the recent past;
- Draft and manage publication agreements with authors (including copyright provisions);
- Serve as a liaison between the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law and the authors;
- Additional editorial, administrative, and solicitation duties as assigned by the Editor-in-Chief; and
- Hold at least two (2) hours of office hours per week, office hours by appointment may fulfill this section.
§607 Notes and Comments Editors
- The duties of the Notes and Comments Editors include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Administer the Spring Writing Competitions, including the establishment of a timetable in conjunction with the Editor-in-Chief;
- Supervise progress of the Note writing process, including the setting of deadlines;
- Review all student Note topics and outlines and provide feedback to the Associate Editors;
- Supervise selection of Student Notes for future publication; and
- Hold at least two (2) hours of office hours per week, office hours by appointment may fulfill this section.
§ 608 Technology Editor
- The duties of the Technology Editor include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Maintain the the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law website;
- Assist the Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, and Form and Accuracy Editor in preparing articles and notes to places online;
- Assist with any computer problems within the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law;
- Assume responsibility for the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law blog:
- Work to ensure proper Bluebook form of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law blog; and
- Maintain the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law blog content; and
- Hold at least two (2) hours of office hours per week, office hours by appointment may fulfill this section.
§609 Executive Editors
- The duties of the Executive Editors include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Assist the Notes and Comments Editors in selecting student Notes for publication;
- Supervise the form and accuracy work of their Editing Team comprised of Associate Editors; and
- Hold at least two (2) hours of office hours per week, office hours by appointment may fulfill this section.
§610 Associate Editors
- Associate Editor duties include, but are not limited to, the following;
- Complete all form and accuracy assignments to the satisfaction of their Executive Editor and the Form and Accuracy Editors;
- Conduct research and writing of an original scholarly paper of publishable quality in consultation with a faculty advisor and to be completed within the timetable created by the Notes and Comments Editor; or
- Complete reviews of two recently published books with prior approval from the Notes and Comments Editor in consultation with a faculty advisor. This option does NOT fulfill the College of Law’s writing requirement.
§611 Associate Editor Liaison (2L Associate Editor Liaison)
a. The Associate Editor Liaison’s duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Attendance at all Executive Board Meetings as the representative of the Associate Editors;
- Assist the Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, and Business Editor in planning the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law social events;
- Assist in other Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law matters as determined by these Bylaws or by the Editor-in-Chief;
- Represent the 2L Associate Editors of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law and communicate needs to the Executive board; and
- Hold at least two (2) hours of office hours per week, office hours by appointment may fulfill this section.
§612 Off-Campus Programs
- Any member of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law who is participating in an off campus program authorized by the College of Law may apply to have the office hour requirement pursuant to § 202(a) waived for the semester that the member is off campus.
- The Editor-in-Chief may, in consultation with the Executive Board of Editors, approve or deny a request for a waiver filed pursuant to § 611(a).
- If a member’s request for waiver is denied pursuant to § 611(b), it shall be the duty of the member to make up the office hours on another semester when the member is on campus.
- For purposes of the credit requirement pursuant to § 701, successful completion of an off-campus program in the field of Science or Technology will suffice.
§613 The Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law Blog Requirements
- Duties for all 2L Associate Editor members
- All 2L Associate Editor members of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law must complete 1 blog post during their 2L academic year.
- All blog posts must be 1-2 pages in length.
- Title of blog post is required.
- Cites MUST be formatted correctly.
- Pictures are encouraged, but please do not go overboard. Keep it simple. (One photo at the beginning is sufficient).
- All blog posts topics MUST be related to science, technology, or the law regarding intellectual property.
- What not to write or do:
- No article summaries.
- All blog posts are subject to approval by the Technology Editor prior to publication on the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law website.
§701 An Executive Board member of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law shall be eligible for three credit hours upon:
- Satisfactory completion of all requirements contained in these Bylaws;
- Signature of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law faculty advisor;
- Signature of the Editor-in-Chief; and
- Determination by the Syracuse University College of Law administration that Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law members will be entitled to academic credit.
§702 Except those mentioned in §701. Third Year Associate Members shall be eligible for two credit hours upon:
- Satisfactory completion of all requirements contained in these Bylaws;
- Signature of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law’s faculty advisor;
- Signature of the Editor-in-Chief.
- Determination by the Syracuse University College of Law administration that Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law members will be entitled to academic credit.
§703 A member of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law can satisfy the College of Law Writing Requirement at a minimum by:
(i) Completion of a student Note or Book Review of publishable quality of a minimum of 25 pages of text, which demonstrates substantial depth of analysis, reflection and revision; and
(ii) Receipt of regular faculty supervision and feedback, including extensive written feedback on at least one substantial draft of the Note. The student must obtain the signature of the faculty advisor on the Advanced Permission Form available in the Registrar’s Office to receive credit.
§800 These Bylaws may be amended at any General Meeting of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting provided that the proposed amendment has been distributed to each member of the Syracuse Journal of Science and Technology Law at least five (5) business days prior to the General Meeting at which the amendment is considered.
§801 No vote of the general membership shall be required to amend typographical or grammatical errors in these Bylaws.