By: Elle Borgdorff
Looking for a restaurant? What do you do? Most people would say – “Google it.” Search engines are a part of everyday life. We look up where to eat, what store we should shop at, what events are happening near us, and more. People seeking abortions or access to information regarding reproductive healthcare are no different. They frequent search engines to find access to critical reproductive healthcare. But what happens when those search engines are manipulated by those that have an ulterior motive?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is “the process of improving your website to increase its visibility in Google, Microsoft Bing, and other search engines.”[1] Because “organic search[es]” are responsible for 53% of all website traffic, SEO is a critical part of modern marketing strategies.[2] Notably, the global SEO industry is estimated to reach $122.11 billion by 2028.[3]
Companies or websites can use SEO to their advantage by using “the right keywords and phrases to improve their appearance in search results.”[4] In this way, SEO can be used to attract specific audiences to a webpage, including vulnerable individuals seeking access to reproductive healthcare information. Anti-abortion pregnancy centers in the United Sates have “spent an estimated $10.2 million on Google Search ads” and “those ads were clicked on an estimated 13 million times” in a two-year period.[5]
Human Coalition is credited with starting the trend for pro-life organizations use of SEO to their advantage.[6] Human Coalition is a “pro-life nonprofit organization committed to an audacious mission: to transform our culture of death into a culture of life – to end abortion in America.”[7] Human Coalition has “applied corporate digital marketing techniques” like SEO, to “manipulate pregnant peoples’ online search results, driving those researching abortion away from comprehensive pregnancy care or abortion clinics”.[8]
Users who search ‘pregnancy test’, ‘pregnancy’ or ‘abortion’ are frequently redirected to websites for Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPC’s).[9] CPC’s are “nonprofit organizations that present themselves as healthcare clinics while providing counseling explicitly intended to discourage and limit access to abortion.”[10] These centers, “are rarely licensed to provide health care and do not offer accurate information or refer patients for abortion care, emergency contraception, or comprehensive prenatal care, and they do not make referrals to abortion providers.”[11]
Heartbeat International is a “pro-life pregnancy resource center” with over 3,600 “affiliated pregnancy help locations.”[12] Heartbeat International has also manipulated SEO to their advantage.[13] They have gone as far as to boast that an individual “who makes a Google search such as ‘pregnant and scared’ finds a local Heartbeat International affiliate.”[14]
Human Coalition and Heartbeat International are not the exception. Manipulation of SEO to support a pro-life agenda is so commonplace that entire companies exist to support CPCs in this messaging. Choose Life Marketing is a marketing company, seeking to help clients (pro-life groups) use SEO to their advantage.[15] Their website states that “an SEO strategy can help more people who want to learn about or support the pro-life mission find your organization. Our team will do the necessary research to learn what keywords your target audience is searching for, and then we will optimize your site to help you reach that audience.”[16]
SEO is deliberately manipulated to redirect pregnant people to CPC’s and mislead them into misinformation surrounding abortion and to dissuade individuals from having abortions.[17] The CPC’s “often present themselves as medical facilities and mirror abortion clinics’ logos, using names like Your Choice and Women’s Health Clinic.”[18] CPC’s have also used “sophisticated digital tactics like ‘geo-fencing’ to intercept people in the waiting rooms of physician’s offices and vulnerable populations like high school students.”[19]
These tactics are deceptive and can have serious implications. For years, those in favor of reproductive rights have urged Google to prevent CPCs from running “misleading abortion-related ads” on their platform. However, because CPCs are not “selling anything, they do not fall under the purview of the Federal Trade Commission Act, which prohibits unfair or deceptive advertising.”[20] A group of Democrats in Congress urged Google to protect users from “misleading abortion-related search results” in June 2022, weeks before the groundbreaking decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, overturning Roe v. Wade and erasing Constitutional protection for abortions.[21]
Two years later, not much has changed. In 2024, women are still googling “abortion near me” and being directed to CPC’s.[22] Sudden abortion bans and restrictions in the aftermath of Dobbs only increases the dangers these centers cause. These centers “aim to delay medical procedures until it is too late to legally terminate a pregnancy, which these centers never present as an option.”[23] As State Senator from Pennsylvania Katie Muth has stated – Action is needed to ensure “consumers are protected from sham centers that spend millions of dollars on deceptive marketing to advertise themselves as health care centers, when in fact they don’t actually provide such service… These deceptive practices can lead to human harm and even the death of an expecting mother because of a delay in care caused by these centers wasting precious time with sham guidance.”[24]
[1] What Is SEO – Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Land, https://searchengineland.com/guide/what-is-seo (last visited Sep. 22, 2024).
[2]Organic Search Responsible For 53% of all site traffic, paid 15% [Study], Search Engine Land https://searchengineland.com/organic-search-responsible-for-53-of-all-site-traffic-paid-15-study-322298 (last visited Sep. 22, 2024).
[3] What Is SEO, supra note 1.
[4] Jack Dobkin, In The Grand Scheme: Six Sinister Tactics Employed by Anti-Abortion Centers, Equity Forward (last visited Sep. 22, 2024) https://equityfwd.org/research/grand-scheme-six-sinister-tactics-employed-anti-abortion-centers.
[5] Laurel Wamsley, Google Shows You Ads for Anti-Abortion Centers When Yoy Search For Clinics Near You, Npr (Jun 22, 2023) https://www.npr.org/2023/06/22/1182865322/google-abortion-clinic-search-results-anti-abortion.
[6] Dobkin, supra note 1.
[7] Human Coalition, https://www.humancoalition.org/ (last visited Sep. 22, 2024).
[8] Dobkin, supra note 1.
[9]What Reproductive Rights Advocates Need to Know About Anti-Abortion Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts, Inc. https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/planned-parenthood-advocacy-fund-massachusetts-inc/issues/what-reproductive-rights-advocates-need-to-know-about-anti-abort#:~:text=They%20also%20utilize%20search%20engine,people%20away%20from%20real%20reproductive (last visited Sep. 22, 2024).
[10]Melissa N Montoya, Colleen Judge-Golden, Jonas J. Swartz, The Problems With Crisis Pregnancy Centers: Reviewing the Literature and Identifying New Directions for Future Research, (May 24, 2022) https://doi.org/10.2147/IJWH.S288861
[11] Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts, Inc., supra note 9.
[12] About Us,Heartbeat International, https://www.heartbeatinternational.org/about-us (last visited Sep. 22, 2024).
[13] 2014 Annual Report, Heartbeat International, https://www.heartbeatinternational.org/images/PDF/2014AnnualReport.pdf (last visited Sep. 22, 2024).
[14] Id.
[15] Pro-Life Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Choose Life Marketing, https://www.chooselifemarketing.com/services/digital-marketing/seo/ (last visited Sep. 22, 2024).
[16] Id.
[17] Abigail Abrams and Vera Bergengruen, Anti-Abortion Pregnancy Centers Are Collecting Troves of Data That Could Be Weaponized Against Women, (Jun. 22, 2022 12:02 PM EDT) https://time.com/6189528/anti-abortion-pregnancy-centers-collect-data-investigation
[18] Id.
[19] Rep. Bridget Kosierowski and Rep. Melissa Shusterman, A Post-Roe PA: deceptive Practices of Anti-Abortion Centers, PA House Democratic Policy Comm. and PA Senate Democrats Policy Comm. (Sep. 6, 2022 1:00 pm) https://www.pahouse.com/files/Documents/Testimony/2022-09-06_034351__Sept6HearingDocs.pdf
[20] Emma Cott, Nilo Tabrizy, Aliza Aufrichtig, Rebecca Liberman and Nailah Morgan, They Serached Online for Abortion Clinics. They Found Anti-Abortion Centers., The New York Times (Jun. 23, 2022) https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/us/texas-abortion-human-coalition.html
[21] Id.
[22] Ashley Adams, Exposed: This PA Woman’s Story Reveals How Crisis Pregnancy Centers Deceive Women, The Keystone (Feb. 28, 2024) https://keystonenewsroom.com/2024/02/28/exposed-this-pa-womans-story-reveals-how-crisis-pregnancy-centers-deceive-women/
[23] Id.
[24] Id.